Guide for Authors
1) Abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words in length and written in English.
2) Please
CLICK HERE to download the sample template for full text format by Elsevier Procedia
3) Full text papers must be minimum 3 and maximum 10 pages (each page over 10 pages will be priced as €10)
4) APA (American Psychology Association) approach should be used.
5) Offical abstract language is English.
6) Abstract presentation language is Turkish or English.
Maximum 3 papers will be accepted from a single author
8) Best ABSTRACT, POSTER and FULL TEXT awards will be given.
*Please strictly set your article into the full text sample template in conformity with the publishing format of Elsevier as Word file available at the link below.
Click Here
All papers that are accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published by Elsevier and indexed by Science Direct (Conference proceeding station index, Scopus and Thomson Reuters)
1. Computer Science
2. Life Science
3. Engineering
4. Chemistry
5. Earth Science
6. Physics
7. Materials Science
8. Health Science
9. Social & Behavioral Science
Central Bank Review
Papers presented in 3rd World Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Enterpreneurship will be considered for publication in Central Bank Review, which is indexed in Scopus, ESCI, EconLit, RePEc, EBSCOhost, ProQuest and ULAKBIM. The authors willing to publish their work in Central Bank Review must submit revised version of their papers to after the 3rd World Conference on Technology, Innovation, and Enterpreneurship. Note that Central Bank Review do not guarantee that your paper will be published but will provide an expedited refereeing process
Certain papers selected by Scientific Committee of the Conference will be published as international articles on following international journals indexed by Econlit, Ebsco & Web of Science

Journal of Business, Economics and Finance (Econlit, Ebsco)

Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting (Econlit, Ebsco)

Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics (Econlit, Ebsco)

Research Journal of Business and Management (Econlit, Ebsco)

The width of the posters should be 70 cm and the height should be 90 cm. The posters should be designed in such a way that they can be read from 1 meter distance. Posters will be exhibited on the date, place and the stand notified by the organization committee. The posters will be placed on June 21, 2019 at 08:00 by their owners and will be removed on June 23, 2019 at 18:00.
The posters, which are not removed on on June 21, 2019, will be collected. The Organization Committee is not responsible for the posters lost or damaged during such collection process. Posters will be attached their places by using adhesive paste and use of other materials will not be permitted. The owners of the posters will be assisted in attaching their posters.